lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017


1. What is the internet

Is the world we use for the great network of interconnected networks on a global scale.

2.What is the difference between internet and the world wide web (www)?

Because www is a service of a internet

3. What are the basic requirements to connect a computer to the Internet? Explain briefly every item needed.

A server and terminals, a network interface card , made up of cables that join the computer because the connection that made through a router ,elements that controls and distributes the information among the computers it could be a hub or a switch and programs for transmiting information between the computers.

4.What are the most used browers?

Google chrome , Mozilla Firefox , internet explorer, etc...

6.What are the internet Search Engines for? Write the name of 3 of them.

Is a easy form to search information. Google , yahoo, msn.

7.What is the electronic mail for?

 It is for share information and talk with other persons.

10. What is a blog?  Where is situated the last entry in a blog?

A blog is a website and you can post everything you want. In the top of the blog

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